
Our Security Team in Muenster is trained for many situations and applications concerning matters of protection and have gathered many years of experience. When it comes to the wellbeing of your property and body, you do not want to compromise. That’s why you should trust in professionals! Here are some tasks, we gladly take care of for you:

Security Personnel for Parties and Celebrations

On wild parties, which are often combined with the use of alcoholic beverages, the situation easily gets out of hand. Especially, when there are many people involved, the risk of conflicts is high. We provide you security personnel for your private or public celebrations. Our staff is well trained to always guarantee a successful event. We ensure, that you can enjoy the evening and that there is a necessary amount of order.

Bodyguard and Personal Protection

Life as a person of public interest can be hard at times. To always perform with self esteem and dignity, you should never have to worry for your personal integrity, may it be while travelling, or on important events. Respective to the situation, we act from the shadows to be able to intervene in case of danger, or we protect you from nearby to stop aggressions before they can do harm. We work with masses of people, as well as media relevant events. From conferences all the way to high risk zones: We are there for you!

Alarm Systems

Burglaries are no exception in Germany: Statistics concluded, that there were 5 burglaries per 1000 inhabitants in 2017. If it happens to you, you will be thankful to have an efficient and functional alarm system. We offer professional solutions for alarm systems, safety cameras and remote monitoring. We are also able to maintain, upgrade or replace your old security system. We help you to always find a discrete, effective and suitable solution for you problems.provide necessary equipment and/or skilled operators.

Access Control, Exit Control, Emergency Exits

Whether disco, hotel or private events: We keep the wrong persons out, supervise your guests and establish order, where it is needed. Through confident and reliable appearance, we prevent escalations before they have begun.